anything relevant, anything useful, anything with sense, anything worth knowing, anything and everything. Took this foto of the Philippines' highest mountain -- Mt. Apo --
Monday, November 16, 2009
Davao City to celebrate Universal Children Day on November 20
City councilor Angela Librado, action officer of Mayor Rodrigo Duterte for children's concern, said the celebration was meaningful because it would be the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
She said more programs had been pushed by the Davao City government and with that, the city was named as most child-friendly city. No other city throughout the nation has been doing it, she said.
Librado said many child related projects had been implemented in the city, although she said more push would needed if only to make a balance between advocacy and issues related to children.
"What is worth knowing is that the level of awareness on the Rights of Children is high among the children themselves and the adults," she said.
She said they were focusing their programs on the rights of children so that advocacies would be sustained.
She admitted, however, that the institutionalization of programs included ordinances and laws for protection of children, but the implementation had remained low.
Meanwhile, Librado said the Children's Month and the City Council for the Welfare of Children, with the active support and participation of the Davao City Sangguniang Kabataan Federation, made possible the three-day Citywide Children's Congress with 100 children representatives elected their representatives to the Executive Committee of the Davao City Council for the Welfare of Children (DCCWC).
She said this was a clear manifestation of the growing children's participation in the city's governance even as she said that the city government had been showing its commitment to the goals of survival, protection, development and participation of the children.
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Friday, July 24, 2009
Davao City beefs up monitoring of tourism related establishments
City tourism department head Rizal Giovanni Aportadera said they conduct unannounced inspections to check whether these establishments adopt what was stipulated in their business registration.
"We pay particular attention on restrooms and the cleanliness of the area and non compliance means their renewal for tourism accreditation be denied," he said.
He said these establishments need to renew their tourism accreditation and they will not hesitate to cancel or deny renewal if they found them violating the rules.
So far he said for those found with deficiencies readily comply with the recommendations given them by the team.
And with the coming Kadayawan Festival he said they warned the establishments that actions against violators will be toughed once tourists and other visitors would complain about the condition of their establishments including poor service.
He said they had been projecting the city as tourist destination and this should be maintained by everybody more especially with the tourism related establishments.
Earlier he said that since last year to this date Davao City ranks third tourist destinations in the country following Cebu and Boracay. Arrivals remain positive and hotels and restaurants continue to be fully booked.
Davao ICT master plan for discussion at Summit
Andrei Fournier, member of the board of advisers of ICT Davao said there has to be clear direction both for the local government unit and the business sector addressing some concens that need to be acted immeditely. And this has to form part of the master plan that will be discussed thoroughly during the Davao ICT Summit on August 6 to 7, 2009.
Among the immediate concern he said is on broadband connection where it is more expensive say for a T1 of 1.5 mbps that would cost about P50,000 to P100,000 monthly which is more than Manila corporate, the cost includes the bringing of the bandwidth from Manila to Davao. The service also has to be improved, he said.
"Putting up the structure here with Davao City considered as the IT hub in the island would save on cost. We need to bring in the Telcos and for them to come up with a disaster recovery plan citing what happened when the line was cut in Bukidnon a month ago causing tremendous damage to the industry," he said.
He said they want broadband networks build newer infrastructures and to also bring down the cost here.
Davao City ranking 4th among the cities in the country as IT destination is an opportunity that should be considered seriously by addressing some problems he said because once not acted might put us down as preferred area.
Power outages that are occasionally experienced here Fourneir noted is an area that has to be studied as this would also affect connectivity.
Davao City right now has five big call centers namely Concentrix, Sutherland, Cybercity, Western Wats and Call Box plus other medium size bringing to 13 the more active ones, he said.
These five big call centers he said are biggest employers of call center agents but these companies also face the problem of lack of middle managers saying that this is also the concern of other prospective investors. Training workers for middle manager positions is one concern that the ICT sector here need to address, he said.
He said for a big size BPO it would need about 20 to 30 middle managers and this estimates include supervisors and team leaders.
Space is also another area to look at as landowners still have to understand the business. This is an area that the city could attract locators because BPOs are looking at better price for space rentals.
He said in Manila cost of rental is about P400 to P600 per sq. m. but here some is offering at P350 to P500 per sq. m., he said.
He said the demand is big and looking at last year's revenues, 2008 registered an earning of 4.8 billion US dollars in the Philippines employing some 650,000 workers. Davao IT call centers agents and support personnel accounted to 60,000 which he said they aim to bring the figure up to 100,000 in 2010. (Digna D. Banzon)
Friday, March 13, 2009
Davao prepares for Earth Hour
Stakeholders of Davao City bond together and discussed the campaign as it will join in the global event of Earth Hour on March 28, 2009 between 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm.
During the media launch of Earth Hour on Thursday, March 12 at Marco Polo Davao, Margie Moran-Floirendo, chairperson of Southern Philippines Foundation for Arts, Culture and Ecology and president emeritus of Save Davao Gulf Foundation said the event is just symbolic encouraging the people to join the campaign of saving the environment.
She said the activity is beyond Earth Hour even as she said that change of lifestyle start with everyones home.
Davao City Councilor Leo Avila III, council chair of the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources said that they already passed a resolution where the Davao City government supports the conduct of the Earth Hour here.
Avila likewise said that several ordinancdes and resolutions are crafted to strengthen the campaign on environmental protection.
The campaign for more participants to this year's Earth Hour is massive as Jose Ma. Lorenzo Tan said that they aim to reach 10 million supporters this year as against the 2008 Earth Hour that only had one million.
He said they had been going to places around the country to seek the support of both government and the private sector.
He said in 2008, the Philippines ranked nine among the countries that carried the Earth Hour around the world.
"We want to come big this year and in fact there will be four cities in the country where the Earth Hour will be carried live on television," he said.
He said in Davao City there will be two sites for the holding of the event, one at SM City Davao and the other at the People's Park.
He said if Dabawenyos could mobilize big and interesting event as this could be shown worldwide as part of documentation.
Narzalina Z. Lim, president of Asia Pacific Projects, Inc. encouraged stakeholders to tell the people about Earth Hour.
"Unlike in the global financial crisis, the global warming has not bailout that is why we have to work now to effect mitigation so we can see complete results before the end of the century," she said.
Atty. Armi Jane Borje, liaison officer for Earth Hour Mindanao, Office of Secretary, Department of Energy calls on the people to support Earth Hour by simply Switching Off lights as a way of joining the world in sending global message of hope and action to everyone.
She said this is a step address the signs of climate change even as she urge the public to support SWITCH, a social mobilization movement that seeks to demonstrate how ordinary Filipinos and specific sectors of Philippine society contribute sustantively through fundamental changes in lifestyle, behavior or standard practices needed to address the dire consequences of unstable oil prices and climate change.
She said it is also a call to switch from wasteful to efficient energy practices beginning with lighting in workplaces, buildings, homes and public places.
She also said that individuals are encouraged to switch from incandescent bulbs to compact fluorescent lamp s (CFLs) and other energy-efficient lighting technologies.
In line with the Earth Hour activity, the public is enjoined to sign-up at the Earth Hour official website at
Saturday, February 28, 2009
President Arroyo meets displaced OFWs in Davao City

Thursday, February 26, 2009
PGMA visits Davao hydro power project; meets beneficiaries in Davao del Sur

During the visit, President Arroyo was given the briefing by Hedcor president and chief operations officer Rene Ronquillo.
Ronquillo told the President that the hydro project is expected to be finished in October 2009. With 60 percent of the works completed, they were able to employ 1,100 workers mostly coming from Barangay Sibulan and neighboring areas, he added.
The project entails the construction of two cascading run-of-river hydropower plants that will harness the Sibulan and Baroring Rivers in Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur.
Once operational, the SHP will generate carbon neutral electricity that will reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by more that 95,000 tCO2e. It is the largest investment of the Aboitiz Power in the hydropower generation business.
Hearing this, the President took note of the efforts of the private sector like Hedcor in helping the government in its "green" programs and job generation.
She said the government's job is to make sure that it (goverment) is hospitable to investors.
She was also pleased to hear of Hedcor's other power projects already in the pipeline like the Tamugan Hydropower Project in Davao City.
The President, while at the SHP Plant B, interacted with some beneficiaries of the hydro project such as Ariel Aninipot, who told her about the development brought by the project to their community including the lighting of some areas in the barangay. He is employed as liaison officer of the project.
George Concepcion, a farmer, told the President that with Hedcor's rehabilitated road, it is easier for him to bring his produce to the market.
Rogelio Manapol, tribal leader, said their sector, the Indigenous Peoples (IPs), will now be able to enjoy their royalty share from the project. The IPs get a share of one centavo per kilowatt hour of energy produced.
After her 30-minute visit to the hydropower project site, President Arroyo proceeded to Cagayan de Oro City for the 18th Convention of the Vice Mayors League of the Philippines at Pryce Hotel and the Bridging and Skills Re-training Program at SM City Cagayan.
Meanwhile, Hedcor, Inc. chairman and chief executive officer Erramon Aboitiz said they are just awaiting the water rights they applied with the National Water Resources Board (NWRB) for their Tamugan hydro power project located in the Davao City area.
He said that they are hopeful to pursue the project this year.
The Tamugan River is the same river the Davao City Water District is developing as another source of potable water for Davao City residents. (Photos by Mae Gevera)
Monday, February 9, 2009
Mindanao posted positive growth in social security
Eco stimulus fund safe area to invest, says SSS
Thursday, February 5, 2009
To pump prime the economy, funds are ready to fund Mindanao rural infra
Director Helena B. Habulan of the Municipal Development Finance Office of the Department of Finance said there is budget and this is more than the $10 million funding under the Mindanao Rural Development Program (MRDP) for the first set of projects for implementation within the first six months this year.
"We have the budget that can cover more than the $10 million fund and there is about P1.3 billion to be spent this year in Mindanao rural projects," she said.
The Department of Agriculture (DA) as what Undersecretary Jesus Emmanuel M. Paras said the rural infrastructure is upon instruction of President Arroyo for their department to focus more on infrastructrure development in Mindanao and with the MRDP phase 2 some $10 million is programmed for implementation of infrastructure projects for the first semester this year.
The implementation will take within next two months and this would consists of farm to market roads, cold storage, post harvest facilities and rehabilitation of irrigation systems.
The rural infra project aims to generate employment especially during this time of crisis and the MRDP is a program implemented under DA geared towards alleviation of the poor communities in Mindanao and jointly funded by World Bank, DA and the local government units.
World Bank team leader Carolina F. Geron said the release of funds will given directly to the LGUs even as she said that the process went through consultation with them and the LGUs and the communities and the DA.
The projects pass through national competitive bidding and part of the agreement is to allocate 70 percent of labor to be taken from the local communities and this type of intervention will have impact at the local level.
The implementers of the program are accountable of the project the WB representative said and Geron continued that it is important to really build their capacity.
Anti-corruption measures she said are embodied in the MRDP projects and their role is to ensure that measures are implemented in all the projects.
The $10 million fund or P586 million comprises 90 percent of farm to market road, 6 percent potable water system, 2 percent for single bridges, and 2 percent on irrigiation projects. Another P200 million is for livelihood assistance and P40 million for protection and sustainable management of natural resources.
MRDP 2 covers 27 provinces in Mindanao and 225 town of the 400 municipalities of the island with 75 subprojects. The rural infa component under MRDP 1 covered only 19 municipalities with total project cost of P160.889 million for the 25 subprojects on the ground.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Dabawenyos bring recyclables @ SM

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Agri-based economy remains strong in Mindanao
One Network Bank (ONB) president Alex Buenaventura said the strong agri-based economy and liquid environment support the high deposit generation targets of the bank's branches especially in the countryside.
Given such upbeat outlook, he said they project a 19-percent increase of their targets this year of P288 million as against their actual Net Income After Tax (NIAT) in 2008 of only 242 million.
ONB's deposit liabilities are raised by 30 percent increase or P7.8 billion as against the 2008's actual of P6.0 billion.
He said they also increased their target for loans at 36 percent or about P8.0 billion as against the P5.9 billion actual loans in 2008.
Buenaventura said although there will be many challenges this year, rural banking in Mindanao will continue to experience growth.
He attributed this to the good prospects in agriculture particularly banana, pineapple, coconut, rubber and palm oil.
Buenaventura also said their banking operation remains strong due to Department of Education salary loans and the One Banana Program growers' loans.
Meanwhile, he said the rural banks play a niche in service of small depositors and borrowers in the countryside.
He said as they continue to improve on their services they are also able to bring their clients to economic opportunities in the financial mainstream.
He said they have given small accounts access to projects with solid fundamentals and services which they thought can only be possible in urban centers.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Davao sees more demand for fresh bananas this year
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
peaceful transfer of power
Out there in Washington, DC and also through the other networks BBC, ANC, GMA, I saw how the people in America received the new President with throngs of them who came for the inauguration. Chanting and high in spirit waving banners amidst the cold weather, I viewed them as one with hope and willing to share in the tough job ahead. With the President were First Lady Michelle Obama and daughters Malia Anne and Natasha "Sasha".
The President in his inaugural speech urged them that they begin the work of Remaking America !
He started his speech by thanking President Bush for his generosity and cooperation. He continued on saying that he is humbled by his task and grateful for that.
As he went on, he said they have to remain faithful to the ideals of their forefathers.
He underscored the indicators of crisis citing among others the collective failures to make choices .... and when these indicators are present, crisis will be next.
"But we chose hope over failure".
"Greatness is never a gift, it must be earned".
"In America, all are equal, all are free and all are given the chance to pursue their own happiness".
"We extend opportunity to every willing heart."
"America is a friend of each nation".
The President also said that people will judge them "on what you build and not on what you destroy".
He said the world has changed and they must change with it.
"All this we can do, all this we will do," he said.
When I saw the jampacked National Mall, it reminded me of the Philippine People Power and whatever aspirations that brought people to this historic activity I hoe it will remain vibrant and that will not only be in America but in the Philippines as well and in any place around the globe so that there will be opportunities for everyone especially to those who haven't had any chance yet of grabbing one.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Wahington DC

At the Capitol and the grounds of the White House I saw by myself squirrels and it reminded me I was not home but in faraway America. Tourists can view the White House from a distance and take pictures too.
From New York City for a week's stay in a downtown Manhattan hotel and walking distance to Central Park, we traveled by bus to Washington, DC for a day tour.
It was indeed educational, my husband who loves geography and history included in our trip the Washington, DC tour.
From the skyscraper NYC, we found Washington, DC a peaceful yet exciting place with the many historical events that unfolded in this city where the seat of the US government is.
The tour guide explained to us everything including the inaugural ceremonies that took place in Pennsylvania Street and she (tour guide) even told us that lamp posts are movable to give way to the holding of the inauguration of the New President.
With President Barack Obama to take his seat on January 20 at the White House, I personally am excited because I had been to Washington DC, where on Tuesday (American time and Wednesday in the Philippines), will be packed with millions of people. I could view it together with millions of people around the world on television.
My experience in Washington DC was enlightening and exciting. I saw the buildings of different government offices including the Lincoln Memorial (the pencil), the Pentagon, White House, Capitol, the Union Station, the different museums and others, everything that a tourist must see.
The cherry blossoms were in bloom when we went there and it was a different feeling seeing all the trees covered with pinkish and white flowers. Tulips of different colors adorned the streets and made the landscape very beautiful.
Travel really gives us a different experience. Anyway with the new US President, everybody including myself wish a new thing to happen. But President Obama can not do any magic for the crisis that hit hard the US but prayers and cooperation could bring people to where the action must be focused inorder to ease the impact of the global crisis. The Philippines is not spared of this but we know that Filipinos, can make a difference because we (Filipinos) are used to hardship and difficulties. As what the business sector had been advocating, everybody must go back to the basics. In doing so, people could cut on cost as well as prioritize spending.
Going back to Washington, it is really a distinct city that I could not forget its being it. From there we proceeded to Orlando, Florida and let our bodies got tired of the huge and beautiful theme parks of Disneyworld.... again another superb experience.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Davao Med ICT school expands offering for legal transcriptionists/transcribers
Using the revolving curriculum for most of its programs allowing classes to start every month, MTC Academy has also restructured its program costs thus enhancing the value for money for all of its courses with low down payment and easy monthly installments extended to all qualified applicants.
She said the MTC Academy is supplying more than 50% of Davao City's manpower requirement to its corporate partners even as it provides free job placement assistance for its transcription graduates to companies here in Davao and as far as Manila and Cebu.
Davao City sees new businesses for 2009
Davao City got highest in new registered corporation/partnership for 2008
SEC Davao head Atty. Javey Francisco said the city cornered 314 new businesses of the 464 corporations that registered with their office last year around Mindanao.
General Santos City followed next with 36 then Tagum City with 18. Fourth in the row were Mati City, Koronadal City and South Cotabato with nine new registered corporations each. Cotabato City ranked fifth with eignt while Davao del Norte on the seventh with six. Panabo City and Digos City came next with six new registered corporations and partnerships. Davaod del Sur had five while Davao Oriental, Surigao del Sur and Mati City with four each and Agusan del Sur, 3. The Compostela Valley Province and the cities of Malaybalay, Bislig and Butuan had two each. Only one new corporations registered in the Island Garden City of Samal, North Cotabato, Lanao del Sur, Surigao City, Midsayap and Cagayan de Oro City.
Francisco said the 464 corporations had a paid-up capital of P215.4 million which came lower by 38 percent or P134 million compared to the P349.8 million in 2007.
He said of the new corporations last year, Davao City's businesses for paid-up capital accounted to P124.6 million while General Santos City at P27.4 million and Tagum City, P21.5 million.
Meanwhile Francisco said with regards to foreign direct investments (FDI) of 80 new businesses with paid up capital of P15.177 million, Davao City still got high with 67 corporation and paid up capital of P11.4 million.
General Santos City had 3 of P1.1 million, Davao Oriental, 2, P1.036 million, Koronadal City, 2, P1.250 million.
He said according to nationalities, the Chinese top the list followed by Korean and Dutch.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Med Express to expand to other Mindanao areas
Davao bakeshop to open new branches
Samuel M. Abrenilla, owner of CokTek Manufacturing and Panaderia Bakeshop said having multiple outlets means higher revenue.
He said they are looking at the cities of General Santos, Valencia and Cagayan de Oro.
Although he said they would not want to do aggressive steps this year, the additional outlets of at least three to their existing 13 branches would give them better income. This is competitive enough, he said.
"We need to have bigger revenue source to come up with profitable operation," he said.
But Abrenilla admitted that their operation has been affected by the economic downtrend. Their operation already suffered in 2008 getting an income very much lower compared in 2007.
He said the bakeshop operation is highly dependent on imported products and prices of these commodities have gone high.
But he said they would not compromise the ingredients because they have to maintain the quality of their products.
Despite the current financial crisis, Abrenilla said they will not sacrifice the quality of their products.
Panaderia's signature product "hot pandesal" will still be available as early as 5:00 am. even as he said that they will still maintain the same ingredients to any of their products.
Abrenilla put up Panaderia Bakeshop after he invented the Coktek Oven where it is known for its distinct feature of equal heat inside the chamber.
With this feature, he said they were able to save substantially on LPG gas of about 20 to 50 percent.
The industrial oven that Abrenilla invented has a capacity of 12 baking pans costing P50,000.
He said his invention is comparable to the product made in Korea and Taiwan of about P150,000.